
Clinical Learning Environment

About the Clinical Learning Environment/Wellness Program

The CLER Program provides sponsoring institutions with periodic feedback from site visits addressing the following six focus areas:

  • Patient Safety
  • Health Care Quality
  • Teaming
  • Supervision
  • Well-being
  • Professionalism 
The CLER Program uses well-being focus area to address four interrelated topics: work/life balance, fatigue, burnout and support of those at risk of or demonstrating self-harm. This redesigned focus area recognizes the important role of clinical learning environments in implementing systems that monitor and support physician well-being.

At Northside Gwinnett Graduate Medical Education, we are committed to ensuring the wellbeing of our residents. We do this by having a Wellness Committee made up of residents, faculty and staff that meets monthly to talk about what each program is doing to promote wellness and to identify areas of wellness to address. We also have a confidential email address where residents, faculty and staff can send topics they would like to hear more about. In addition, we distribute a monthly wellness newsletter “Wellness RX”.

Our wellness coordinator is responsible for making sure that we focus on well-being as a part of our curriculum. Part of that curriculum is an Individualized Wellness Assessment, which consists of our residents meeting with our wellness coordinator and developing an individualized wellness plan for the year. Our current wellness coordinator has a master’s degree in social work and has 25 years of experience working with individuals in the community who struggle with personal wellness.